Exactly what George Washington warned us about has happened.

The political system of party politics is broken and has failed the American people. Our favorite parties have become corrupt at every level of government, from local county and city municipalities to state governments and all throughout the federal system. The parties of this nation are oppressing the people they claim to represent.

I have no party loyalties, and this is why I can claim to be a true independent. Before I realized how broken the system is, I was “good” registered republican helping in various state and national races. Like you, with time I saw corruption making things worse despite which party was holding offices. So, I searched for divine inspiration and studied the words of George Washington. I came to understand that the party system removes all accountability from our leaders and candidates, this breeds corruption. The time has come for real candidates for America to stand on their own merit, character, and values. Not hide behind some party banner. Voters should know that no real good option resides in a party. I encourage men and women everywhere of good character to run for office as independents.

Beyond simply not claiming  loyalty to party, I have the unique ability to apply and lead individuals to solve complex problems with often simple and creative solutions. I mentioned before I have had many business experiences. Some the businesses and entrepreneurial ventures I have started range from ammunition to ice cream, medical to treasure hunting and salvage, farming orchards to crypto. I have started and run multiple businesses across several industries. These professional experiences along with raising a family and serving in my community and communities around world has given me a unique vantage and life experience. If you haven’t already, please read and watch the videos I have posted regarding what the solutions for a secure, free, and prosperous future are. I know the path forward, help me take it by discussing and making others aware of my candidacy.

To further prove my loyalty to American ideals of independence from party, I do not rely on outside funds or accept outside campaign donations. I want to be able to claim with all legitimacy that no one owns me. You can only do that by pledging your life, fortune, and sacred honor. If you’d like to help the cause, then spread the word by posting, sharing, and forwarding in any way you can the solutions I have here. May God be with and heaven bless, Perry T. Myers

I pride myself on being an important part of the community

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Thank You for visiting my site. I am a well experienced business entrepreneur having started and owned several companies. My wife and I along with our 10 children have resided in Southern Utah for the last 16 years.

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